About Thoughtune®

Thougtune acknowledge the importance of modern technology to assist people through the behaviour change process by delivering evidence-based facilities required to achieve your desired goal.

What we treat

Thoughtune identifies and treats a wide range of disorders using scientific assessments and gamified interventions to assist our users through the challenging stages of behaviour change, recieving support every step of the way.

01 Eating Behaviour
Thoughtune identifies eating disorder and provides you with the correct digital facilites to set food related goals, reverse negative bias and block cravings in real-time settings

02 Substance Dependence
Thoughtune's Substance Dependence scale can identfiy addiction and is applicable to a range of addictive substances. Following identification, you can set your desired goal and begin altering negative bias. A block feature is provided to combat any emerging cravings and a safe-gaurded community to discuss experieces

03 Alcohol Dependence
We can identify any addictive alcohol tendencies and provide you with the neccessary digitial facilities you required to change your behaviour and optimise your well-being.

04 Anxiety
Thoughtune identifies anxiety and uses interventions that train you to focus over the positive over the negative. Mindfulness exercises are also provided to occupy the mind, leaving little room for negative elaboration

05 Depression
Thoughtune uses scales to identfy depression and interventions to attend to negative bias. The Guided Imagery practice allows you to slowly allign your behaviour with your desired goal. The Thoughtune chat community allows you to discuss your experiences and recieve the support you deserve

The Problem


Joshua Caleb, MPsych
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Joshua Caleb, MPsych

It's difficult to discuss Thoughtune without mentioning Joshua Caleb. Why not commence here. In his late twenties, Josh studied a Bsc in Psychology followed by an Mpsych in Behaviour Change Psychology at Plymouth University. For over 5 years, his psychology training often lead him to the problemtic area of addiction, where he felt an epidemic proportion of people fall vicitim annually.

Josh automatically saw this reoccuring dilema as a challenge and began to study evidence-based interventions and gamified psychological concepts that could be delivered through smart phone technology. Following the completion of his studies at Plymouth, Josh returned to Cornwall where he decided he would develop Thoughtune, a mobile application designed as a digital tool to tackle addiction and optimise well-being.

After following incremental steps towards his goal, he is excited to say that Thoughtune will be available for download from the Apple App Store in 2020.

Statement of Origin

Thoughtune, an app focused on mental health and addiction support, was born from a deeply personal journey. As the creator of Thoughtune I experienced firsthand the challenges of addiction and mental health issues, witnessing the impact they had on my own life and the lives of dear friends. This profound experience led to the realization that a compassionate and accessible platform was needed to address these pressing issues.

Driven by the desire to make a difference and inspired by the memory of friends who lost the battle to mental health and addiction, I embarked on the mission to develop an application that could offer meaningful support, guidance, and resources to individuals facing similar struggles.

Thoughtune is not merely a product; it is a manifestation of empathy, understanding, and the fervent belief that technology can play a pivotal role in improving the well-being of those who are often overlooked or stigmatized.

Every aspect of Thoughtune, from its features to its user interface, reflects the commitment to creating a safe and inclusive space for individuals navigating the complexities of mental health and addiction. The app's development was fuelled by the hope that it could provide solace, insights, and practical tools I and friends wished we had during our own challenging times.

The path to recovery and well-being is not always straightforward, but with the dedication and compassion behind Thoughtune, we aim to offer a supportive hand to guide users toward healing, resilience, and self-discovery.

Thank you for joining us on this journey toward improved mental health and well-being.


Joshua Caleb


Creator, Thoughtune App

App Purpose and Intended Audience

The Thoughtune app is purposefully designed to provide support for individuals facing mental health and addiction challenges. It is tailored to help those dealing with anxiety, depression, substance dependence, alcohol dependence, and various eating behaviors.

Our aim is to create a platform that fosters understanding, guidance, and resources for users who seek a path towards improved well-being.

It's important to note that Thoughtune is intended for users who are 18 years of age or older.

We are dedicated to helping adult individuals navigate the complexities of mental health and addiction in a compassionate and constructive manner.

Thank you for considering Thoughtune as a tool on your journey towards better mental health.


Thoughtune is a powerful tool for nurturing mental well-being. It combines a broad range of evidence-based techniques gathered from research in psychology, a personalized approach, and a strong emphasis on privacy. This app is a valuable resource to help people manage their behaviour, build resilience, and enhance mindfulness.

Professor John May

University of Plymouth

School of Psychology

Clinical Safety Officer Contact

We are pleased to introduce Michelle Penaflor as the dedicated Clinical Safety Officer for the Thoughtune app. Michelle's expertise and commitment ensure that our app's safety and user well-being remain paramount.

For any inquiries related to clinical safety matters or concerns, please feel free to contact Michelle Penaflor at mpenaflor@csothoughtune.uk. Your safety is our priority, and Michelle is here to address any questions you may have.